
Hey Girls, Don’t Discount the Quiet Guys

Over time I’ve come to notice that when teen girls discuss teen boys, they group them into 3 categories:

  • The “He’s so annoying” category (generally because they’re rude or they make fun of girls and think they’re being funny)
  • The “He’s really nice” category (a handful of boys achieve this label)
  • The “He’s nice, but he’s so quiet” category (a grouping I never thought about)

When it comes to category 3, the quiet boys, girls quickly move on to the next topic of conversation. They don’t see the potential or consider the possibility that one day, those quiet boys may blossom and prove to be something special. All they know is what they see today…and based on that, a friendship or future relationship seems highly unlikely.

And that is why I’ve started to tell girls: Don’t discount the quiet boys. Don’t give up on them this early. Some of the best men and dads you know were once the quiet boys in school.

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It’s Never Too Late to Say “I’m Sorry”

While driving my kids to school one day, I told them it was almost time for an annual lake trip our family takes with friends we see once a year.

Everyone got super-excited – except my youngest daughter. With a little prodding she admitted she was scared to go because of an argument she’d had the previous year with a girl her age. It was a silly fight, and she regretted how she acted.

“It’s okay,” I told her. “This is your chance to tell her you’re sorry. It’s never too late to say ‘I’m sorry.’ I have a friend who just apologized for a mistake she feels she made over 20 years ago.”

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While driving my kids to school one day, I told them it was almost time for an annual lake trip our family takes with friends we see once a year.

Everyone got super-excited – except my youngest daughter. With a little prodding she admitted she was scared to go because of an argument she’d had the previous year with a girl her age. It was a silly fight, and she regretted how she acted.

“It’s okay,” I told her.

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