Big News: I Have A New Book Coming!

For about a year now, I’ve been pouring myself into a project that is near and dear to my heart.
And I’m thrilled to finally announce that this project is a second book with Thomas Nelson that releases this fall and will be available everywhere books are sold!
The book is called Liked: Whose Approval Are You Living For?and the official release date is November 15, 2016. Like my first book, it targets teen and tween girls, yet the message is relevant for all ages.
The purpose of Liked is to empower girls through faith. It’s designed to help them focus on their audience of One – the God who created them – and discover a life of confidence, courage, and purpose.
We all know how important it is to many girls to be liked and accepted. And thanks to social media, the quest to impress can be taken online.
Today’s girls are savvy in knowing the tricks to getting liked and noticed on social media, yet in real life, they often struggle to feel loved and known. They rack up followers, praise, and “likes,” yet they may still feel lonely, inadequate, or jealous as they compare their life to everyone else’s and face an underlying pressure to prove themselves so they don’t become irrelevant.
Liked can break this cycle! Packed with Biblical wisdom and practical advice, it is designed to help girls cultivate a healthy love for self and others through a strong relationship with God. The end result is a life that can launch today’s girls in a meaningful direction – one that enables them to make an eternal difference, not a temporary splash.
Topics covered in Liked include:
* Living for God’s approval, not human approval;
* Cultivating a true identity;
* Using social media wisely;
* Building a positive reputation online;
* Spreading kindness, love, and compassion;
* Distinguishing online friends from real friends;
* Building deep connections that last;
* Handling rejection, criticism, and volatile emotions;
* Activating your Christian faith; and
* Making an eternal difference, not a temporary splash.
Girls of all ages get bombarded with voices that tell them what they should do and who they should be. They often become slaves to the feedback they hear and the opinions people have in a culture that can be shallow and unnecessarily critical.
For them to thrive, we need to equip them. It’s important that we get their internal wiring correct and help them tune into God’s quiet voice so that when external challenges arise, they’re mentally, emotionally, and spiritually strong.
I wrote the book that I need to read – again and again – and I wholeheartedly believe that females of all ages can benefit from it. If you like the message behind Liked, I’d be SO grateful for your support. Here are a few ways you can help now:
*Pre-order Liked online, and save your receipt/proof of purchase because we have pre-order gifts coming. Beginning June 1, you’ll be able to download a PDF of the first chapter and 24 encouraging printables to share with your daughter.
*Pre-order 5 copies of Liked online, and save your receipt/proof of purchase. Beginning June 1, you’ll be able to download a PDF of the first chapter, 24 encouraging printables for girls, plus 12 printables with 10 Empowering Things to Say to Your Daughter Each Month.
*Pre-order 10 copies of Liked online, and save your receipt/proof of purchase. Beginning June 1, you’ll be able to download a PDF of the first chapter, 24 encouraging printables for girls, plus 12 printables with 10 Empowering Things to Say to Your Daughter Each Month. You’ll also gain access to exclusive videos from me on subjects like kindness, comparison, and friendship to share with your daughter/small group.
*Share this post on social media and encourage your friends to pre-order Liked. Begin using the hashtag #likedbook.
*Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to keep up with the latest news, and subscribe to my blog (below) to receive important updates.
*Talk about Liked with your pastor, priest, youth leader, school counselor, cheer sponsor, dance instructor, or anyone who works with young women. Suggest having the girls study the book together through a small group or a church youth group in 2017.
*Consider leading a small group study of Liked for your daughter and her friends in 2017. All you need is a passion for girls and a few moms to help with logistics!
*Consider using Liked for a small group study for you and some friends (because let’s face it – adult women need this message as much as teen girls!).
I realized the power of small groups after releasing 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know in November 2014. 10 Truths has been used widely across the country for small group and church youth group studies, and I’ve heard incredible feedback from adult leaders who say the book kept the girls eagerly engaged, drew them closer to Christ and each other, and opened the door to great dialogue.
My prayer is that Liked will do the same. I hope girls will study it together and mothers and daughters will use it as a conversation-starter for those issues that run deep in the female heart and can unite us in powerful ways.
As a mom of four girls, I’m passionate about helping my daughters and their peers realize they don’t have to settle for the world’s values. They were made for so much more than the superficial lifestyle that gets pushed on them, and they deserve a life that brings out their best.
I’m so excited about sharing Liked, and I’d love your prayers for the girls who will read it and the adults who will lead studies. Please join me in rallying around this message that I believe can change lives and empower a generation of girls to live boldly and bravely for Jesus, helping them value their worth not on how widely liked they hope to be, but on how deeply loved they already are.
Thanks for reading this article today. If you found the message helpful, please share it through social media.
I’m grateful for my readers and would love to connect. You can subscribe to my blog, join my Facebook community, or find me on Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest.
Also, I’ve written two books for teen & tween girls designed to empower them through faith. The newest one, Liked, is getting a fantastic response as a unique resource for girls of the digital age, and along with the bestselling 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know, it’s being used widely across the U.S. for small group studies.
Have a great day, and thanks again for stopping by!
Posted by Kari on May 4, 2016